For details about the household hazardous waste collection, backyard composting, and information about buying a food scrap pail, click here to read and/or print out a Rockingham-specific 2024 newsletter.
Rockingham Transfer Station
Residents can bring their recycling and trash to the Rockingham/Westminster Recycling Center and Drop-off Facility at 7446 Route 5 in Westminster. Access to the facility requires a windshield permit. Or they can choose to contract with a private hauler for their trash removal and recycling services.
Hours of operation: Monday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. |

Trash: (from households) coupon system
Purchase coupons at: Rockingham Town Clerk's office and at the Rockingham Transfer Station. Coupons are sold in half sheets (8 coupons) for $10.00 or full sheets (16 coupons) for $20.00.
Recyclables: free of charge
Food Scraps - free of charge
Empty your food scraps into one of the toters. What is acceptable? - meat and bones, milk, cheese, dairy, fruit and vegetables, condiments and dressings, coffee grounds, filters, seafood and shells, fats, oils, spices, soups (please strain) "If it Grows, it goes!"
NOT acceptable: all paper products, bioplastics (PLA/PHA), condiment packets, straws/containers, rubber bands, twist ties, PLU stickers (Price Look-Up codes on fresh produce), packaging/recyclables, dishware/silverware, florist flowers (may contain chemical fungicides)
Vermont's Electronic Waste law banned the disposal of many electronic devices in landfills as of January 1, 2011. The law also provides for the free and convenient collection of computers, TVs, printers, monitors and peripherals (keyboards, mice, etc.) from Vermont households, charities, school districts, and businesses with up to 10 employees. Collections began July 1, 2011. Other electronic waste must also be recycled, but there is a fee.
Most televisions and computer monitors contain an average of four pounds of lead in addition to cadmium, mercury,and other heavy metals used in the circuit boards. Exposure to these elements can lead to serious health problems, which is why proper disposal of electronics is important.
Effective January 1, 2007 it is illegal to use a lead sinker which weighs one-half ounce or less to fish in Vermont.
Bring the sinkers to the Recycling Center.
Fluorescent Tubes (contain mercury) - no charge. (Free fluorescent bulb recycling also at J&H Hardware in Bellows Falls.)
Usable, saleable clothing is accepted at the Community Closet Thrift Store in the basement of the Immanuel Episcopal Church, 20 Church St., and in the textile box in the parking lot at the Moose Family Center on Henry Street. Both in Bellows Falls. Ask at each location if they will take clean and dry linens, shoes, purses, belts, gloves, towels, sheets, and stuffed animals.
Empty/dry metal paint cans (covers removed) go in with scrap metal.
Several retailers in the District accept paint year-round at the following locations:
These retailers only accept paint in labeled, non-rusty cans. Bring all other cans of paint to the HHW Depot.
Materials We Do Not Accept at the Transfer Station:
Hazardous Wastes, Used Motor Oil, Ammunition/Explosives, Certain Types of Plastics, Plastic Bags
Residents of Bellows Falls may take used motor oil to:
Buck Adams Trucking & Excavating
151 VT 121
Bellows Falls, 802-463-2213
Any weekday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. It's very important that the used oil be "clean" - not contaminated with water or antifreeze or any other fluid. This business uses the oil to heat its building; contaminated oil will ruin the oil burner. Please use one-gallon milk jugs or similar container. Call before you go to make sure they still accepting oil.
Wal-Mart also accepts used, uncontaminated motor oil.
Button batteries (in hearing aids, watches, calculators, cameras, etc.) and all fluorescent bulbs (full-size and compact) contain mercury and must be recycled.
FREE button battery and fluorescent bulb and tube recycling is available at the Transfer Station.
We also accept all household batteries (AA, AAA, C, 9v and rechargeable) for recycling.
Rechargeables are recyclable. Rechargeable batteries are commonly found in cordless power tools, cellular and cordless phones, laptop computers, camcorders, remote control toys, and portable household appliances. When they can no longer hold a charge, bring the batteries to the Recycling Center.
To receive less national advertising mail, the Direct Mail Association has a program called DMAchoice. To register, click on "Get Started." The organization will charge $1.00 to place your name and home address in a "do-not-mail" file for three years.
Catalog Choice is a great way to cut down on unwanted catalogs that show up in your mailbox. Click on to find out more information.
The non-profit Springfield Lions Club collects used eyeglasses and hearing aids for distribution to the needy in developing nations. All types of eyeglasses and sunglasses, prescription and non-prescription, are acceptable. Reading glasses, too. No eyeglass cases.
The collection boxes are at: The Senior Center in the Community Building, the Springfield Post Office, Dr. Duff's office (bottom of Summer Hill), Lawrence & Wheeler, and Dr. Lane's office.
Compost Bins
Tired of paying to dispose of all of your kitchen scraps? Reduce your household waste and add valuable nutrients to your garden by composting those kitchen scraps in your own backyard. Buy or build a backyard composter. Need another incentive? Organics rotting in landfills produce methane which adds to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.
Open Burning
Although Rockingham does not have an open burning ordinance, the State does and the District encourages residents not to use burn barrels to get rid of garbage. Decades ago, most trash consisted of only paper, cardboard, and glass. Today, however, manufacturers use a host of synthetics in packaging, most of which release carcinogenic toxins into the air and soil when burned. Please do your part to protect Vermont's public and environmental health from toxins; talk to your neighbors about the dangers associated with burning trash.
Household Hazardous Waste
Your Solid Waste District has an HHW Depot in Springfield. It is open from May through September, by appointment. Residents and small businesses from all member towns may participate. Residents pay $10 per car for up to 10 gallons of HHW. Businesses will be charged for disposal costs and must pre-register. Call 802-674-9235 for more information and to make an appointment.
What to bring: Most substances with labels that say: Caustic, Caution, Corrosive, Poison, Toxic, Flammable, Warning, Danger
From the Garden/Yard/House: pesticides, herbicides, insect spray, rodent killer, metal polish, pool chemicals, photography chemicals, flea powder, no-pest strips, drain cleaner, oven cleaner, mothballs, lighter fluid, bathroom cleaners, chemistry sets, arts & crafts supplies, mercury thermometers & thermostats
From the Garage and the Workbench: antifreeze, brake fluid, gasoline, transmission fluid, radiator flusher, engine degreaser, carburetor cleaner, gas treatments, Xenon halogen headlight bulbs (blue-tinted), plastic fuel filters, rust proofers, wood preservatives, sealants, solvents, creosote, roofing tar, asphalt sealer, muriatic acid, varnish, paint thinner, wood strippers and stains, latex, lead- and oil-based paints, and used motor oil. (Properly drained metal fuel filters can be recycled with scrap metal.)
DO NOT bring fluorescent bulbs or tubes, batteries, asbestos, dry creosote, radioactive material, empty containers, fireworks, or ammunition.
- $1.25 per 15-gallon kitchen bag
- $2.50 per 30-gallon trash bag
- $3.75 per 50-gallon contractor bag
Purchase coupons at: Rockingham Town Clerk's office and at the Rockingham Transfer Station. Coupons are sold in half sheets (8 coupons) for $10.00 or full sheets (16 coupons) for $20.00.
Recyclables: free of charge
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Mixed Glass
- Mixed Paper, Steel (Tin) Cans
- Mixed Containers (aluminum foil, glass, #1 and #2 plastics)
- Aluminum pet food cans
- Wood Waste/Compostables/Christmas Trees
- Scrap Metal
- Mercury Thermostats
- Batteries- AA, AAA, C, D, 9v, hearing aid, button, coin cell, and rechargeables (ex., for tools)
Food Scraps - free of charge
Empty your food scraps into one of the toters. What is acceptable? - meat and bones, milk, cheese, dairy, fruit and vegetables, condiments and dressings, coffee grounds, filters, seafood and shells, fats, oils, spices, soups (please strain) "If it Grows, it goes!"
NOT acceptable: all paper products, bioplastics (PLA/PHA), condiment packets, straws/containers, rubber bands, twist ties, PLU stickers (Price Look-Up codes on fresh produce), packaging/recyclables, dishware/silverware, florist flowers (may contain chemical fungicides)
Vermont's Electronic Waste law banned the disposal of many electronic devices in landfills as of January 1, 2011. The law also provides for the free and convenient collection of computers, TVs, printers, monitors and peripherals (keyboards, mice, etc.) from Vermont households, charities, school districts, and businesses with up to 10 employees. Collections began July 1, 2011. Other electronic waste must also be recycled, but there is a fee.
Most televisions and computer monitors contain an average of four pounds of lead in addition to cadmium, mercury,and other heavy metals used in the circuit boards. Exposure to these elements can lead to serious health problems, which is why proper disposal of electronics is important.
Effective January 1, 2007 it is illegal to use a lead sinker which weighs one-half ounce or less to fish in Vermont.
Bring the sinkers to the Recycling Center.
- Vacuum, Radio/Boom Box, VCR - $3 each
- Propane Cylinder - 1 lb. - 50 cents each, 20 lb. - $3 each
- Tire - car/light truck - $3 w/o rim; (up to 17") - $6 on rim
- Truck & Tractor Tires - check with attendant for fee
- Refrigerator, Freezer, Dehumidifier, Air-Conditioner, Console TV/Stereo, Sleeper Sofa - $15 each
- Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher, Stove, Water Heater, Microwave, Toilet - $8 each
- Ceramic Sink, Shower - $5 each
- Recliner, Couch - $12 each
- Upholstered Chair, Ceramic Tub, Carpet/Rug (up to 12'x12') - $10 each
- Mattress/Box Spring, Construction Debris ($0.07 per pound) - fee depends on size
Fluorescent Tubes (contain mercury) - no charge. (Free fluorescent bulb recycling also at J&H Hardware in Bellows Falls.)
Usable, saleable clothing is accepted at the Community Closet Thrift Store in the basement of the Immanuel Episcopal Church, 20 Church St., and in the textile box in the parking lot at the Moose Family Center on Henry Street. Both in Bellows Falls. Ask at each location if they will take clean and dry linens, shoes, purses, belts, gloves, towels, sheets, and stuffed animals.
Empty/dry metal paint cans (covers removed) go in with scrap metal.
Several retailers in the District accept paint year-round at the following locations:
- Aubuchon Hardware in Ludlow
- Aubuchon Hardware (formerly Bibens) in Springfield
- Sherwin-Williams in Springfield
- Aubuchon Hardware in Windsor
These retailers only accept paint in labeled, non-rusty cans. Bring all other cans of paint to the HHW Depot.
Materials We Do Not Accept at the Transfer Station:
Hazardous Wastes, Used Motor Oil, Ammunition/Explosives, Certain Types of Plastics, Plastic Bags
Residents of Bellows Falls may take used motor oil to:
Buck Adams Trucking & Excavating
151 VT 121
Bellows Falls, 802-463-2213
Any weekday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. It's very important that the used oil be "clean" - not contaminated with water or antifreeze or any other fluid. This business uses the oil to heat its building; contaminated oil will ruin the oil burner. Please use one-gallon milk jugs or similar container. Call before you go to make sure they still accepting oil.
Wal-Mart also accepts used, uncontaminated motor oil.
Button batteries (in hearing aids, watches, calculators, cameras, etc.) and all fluorescent bulbs (full-size and compact) contain mercury and must be recycled.
FREE button battery and fluorescent bulb and tube recycling is available at the Transfer Station.
We also accept all household batteries (AA, AAA, C, 9v and rechargeable) for recycling.
Rechargeables are recyclable. Rechargeable batteries are commonly found in cordless power tools, cellular and cordless phones, laptop computers, camcorders, remote control toys, and portable household appliances. When they can no longer hold a charge, bring the batteries to the Recycling Center.
To receive less national advertising mail, the Direct Mail Association has a program called DMAchoice. To register, click on "Get Started." The organization will charge $1.00 to place your name and home address in a "do-not-mail" file for three years.
Catalog Choice is a great way to cut down on unwanted catalogs that show up in your mailbox. Click on to find out more information.
The non-profit Springfield Lions Club collects used eyeglasses and hearing aids for distribution to the needy in developing nations. All types of eyeglasses and sunglasses, prescription and non-prescription, are acceptable. Reading glasses, too. No eyeglass cases.
The collection boxes are at: The Senior Center in the Community Building, the Springfield Post Office, Dr. Duff's office (bottom of Summer Hill), Lawrence & Wheeler, and Dr. Lane's office.
Compost Bins
Tired of paying to dispose of all of your kitchen scraps? Reduce your household waste and add valuable nutrients to your garden by composting those kitchen scraps in your own backyard. Buy or build a backyard composter. Need another incentive? Organics rotting in landfills produce methane which adds to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.
Open Burning
Although Rockingham does not have an open burning ordinance, the State does and the District encourages residents not to use burn barrels to get rid of garbage. Decades ago, most trash consisted of only paper, cardboard, and glass. Today, however, manufacturers use a host of synthetics in packaging, most of which release carcinogenic toxins into the air and soil when burned. Please do your part to protect Vermont's public and environmental health from toxins; talk to your neighbors about the dangers associated with burning trash.
Household Hazardous Waste
Your Solid Waste District has an HHW Depot in Springfield. It is open from May through September, by appointment. Residents and small businesses from all member towns may participate. Residents pay $10 per car for up to 10 gallons of HHW. Businesses will be charged for disposal costs and must pre-register. Call 802-674-9235 for more information and to make an appointment.
What to bring: Most substances with labels that say: Caustic, Caution, Corrosive, Poison, Toxic, Flammable, Warning, Danger
From the Garden/Yard/House: pesticides, herbicides, insect spray, rodent killer, metal polish, pool chemicals, photography chemicals, flea powder, no-pest strips, drain cleaner, oven cleaner, mothballs, lighter fluid, bathroom cleaners, chemistry sets, arts & crafts supplies, mercury thermometers & thermostats
From the Garage and the Workbench: antifreeze, brake fluid, gasoline, transmission fluid, radiator flusher, engine degreaser, carburetor cleaner, gas treatments, Xenon halogen headlight bulbs (blue-tinted), plastic fuel filters, rust proofers, wood preservatives, sealants, solvents, creosote, roofing tar, asphalt sealer, muriatic acid, varnish, paint thinner, wood strippers and stains, latex, lead- and oil-based paints, and used motor oil. (Properly drained metal fuel filters can be recycled with scrap metal.)
DO NOT bring fluorescent bulbs or tubes, batteries, asbestos, dry creosote, radioactive material, empty containers, fireworks, or ammunition.