For details about the household hazardous waste collection, backyard composting, and information about buying a kitchen scrap pail, click here to read and/or print out a Reading-specific 2024 newsletter.
Residents can bring their trash and recycling to the Weathersfield Transfer Station and Recycling Center at 5024 Rt. 106 in Perkinsville. (From Downers 4 Corners, go north on 106 for almost ½ mile. Recycling Center is on left.) Or residents can contract with a private hauler for trash disposal and recycling services.
Your Solid Waste District has an HHW Depot in Springfield. It is open from May through September, by appointment. Residents and small businesses from all member towns may participate. Residents pay $10 per car for up to 10 gallons of HHW. Businesses will be charged for disposal costs and must pre-register. Call 802-674-9235 for more information and to make an appointment.